Yankee Jims Bridge over the
North Fork American River Bridge Replacement
Project Description
Placer County Department of Public Works, in cooperation with the Federal Highway Administration and Caltrans, proposes to build a new arch suspension bridge adjacent to the existing Yankee Jims Bridge over the North Fork American River. The existing bridge is structurally deficient based on a Caltrans Bridge Inspection, which prohibits emergency vehicles from using the bridge. The new bridge will improve emergency access and provide a safer evacuation route between Colfax and Foresthill. The existing Yankee Jims Bridge will be kept in place.
A Notice of Preparation for a Draft Environmental Impact Report, in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act, was held for the project in February of 2020. At this time two alternatives were being considered, a steel plate girder bridge and an arch suspension bridge. Since this time, the project team has completed a comprehensive analysis and ultimately selected the arch suspension bridge as the preferred alternative.
Key Project Elements

Construct a new two-lane arch bridge over the North Fork American River and retrofit the existing Yankee Jims Bridge for temporary construction access

Complete minor intermittent improvements along Yankee Jims Road to allow for construction access
Provide an unpaved parking lot and stairway access down to the river (northeast of the existing Yankee Jims Bridge)

Complete the bridge with the least amount of environmental impacts and with the addition of environmental mitigation
Project Progress
Project Progress to Date
2018 - Approval of Preliminary Environmental Study (Scoping Document)
2019 - Initiation of Technical Studies and Development of Design Alternatives
2020 - EIR Notice of Preparation Meeting
2021- Preferred Alternative was Selected: Arch Suspension Bridge
2022 - 2023 - Prepared Draft Environmental Impact Report
2021 - 2023 - Progress Project Design of the Arch Suspension Bridge
January 2024 - Public Circulation Completed for Draft Environmental Impact Report
March 12, 2024- Final Environmental Impact Report Adopted
Project Lookahead
Spring 2024 - Continue Design and Environmental Permitting Efforts
Summer 2024 - Complete Final Design and Final NEPA Documentation
Summer 2024 - Secure Environmental Permits
Fall 2024 - Mobilize for Construction